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Expressive Art Therapy

Expressive arts therapy uses various arts to help with growth and healing. It is a process of discovering ourselves through any art form that comes from an emotional depth. 


Expressive art refers to using the emotional, intuitive aspects of ourselves to create external art. This means going into our inside ourselves to discover feelings and to express them through visual art, movement, sound, writing, or drama. Talking about our feelings is also an important way to express and discover ourselves


.Most of us already use some aspect of expressive art as being helpful in our daily lives. Perhaps you doodle as you speak and find it soothing, or write a personal journal and find that your feelings and ideas change, or you write down your dreams to look for patterns or symbols. Maybe you paint or sculpt as a hobby and realize the experience transports you from your everyday problems. Maybe you sing while you drive or walk. Expressing yourself in this way car alter your state of being.


They help you release your feelings, clear your mind, raise your spirits, and bring yourself into higher states of consciousness. The process is therapeutic and provides powerful insight to both the client and therapist.

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